< meta name="DC.Date.Valid.End" content="20050825"> Amendment Nine: Bush's Broken Brain

Monday, July 11, 2005

Bush's Broken Brain

The McClellan Meltdown over Rove-Plame-CIA-etc., in today's press briefing, takes us to the tipping point: it is now clear that Bush's brain isn't up to the task. No, not Karl Rove, as in Moore, Slater, Moore, and Slater's useful book; we're talking the real stuff between Bush's ears. Rove, the manager of Bush's political welfare, is at least for the time being relatively crippled by the Plame affair, whatever its outcome. But the one who is chronically disabled is Bush.

It's so simple that only the intellectual media (OK, then, the intellectually dishonest media) will avoid it-- "it" being that only a serious mental disorder can explain Bush's behavior in assuring us that Rove in particular and others in general in the administration didn't do it; and he'd fire anybody who did; and then authorizing today's shift to no comment. The administration's series of statements are now not even superficially reconcilable with each other, or with sanity, or sense.

It isn't about being caught in a lie; it's about crafting a lie so vulnerable to forces outside his or the White House's control, so detached from how the world works, that anyone without a substantial impairment of intellect would know it could not be sustained. It's not a miscalculated risk (as in Clinton) but a break with reality (as in Nixon). Perhaps Nixon was more truly psychotic, and Bush more deprived of basic intelligence, but either way there is a fundamental inability to recognize, much less act on, real events and real facts.

Thought for the not too future day: Reagan's impending incapacity was signaled not only by some memory lapses but also some observable clumsiness; Bush's current incapacity is corroborated by his repeated falling off bicycles and chairs, occasional pathologically awkward gait, etc.


Blogger Jaraparilla said...

We should probably also run tests on the brains of those millions who voted for him - twice!


8:29 PM  
Blogger Wilderwood said...

Yes, Ghandi, I think you're right that a lot of people voted for Bush out of ignorance--or, as Alan Lichtmann argues--because the balance of things for the incumbent party and those against the incumbent was still favorable to Bush (but not by much).

That said, I think it will become clear, in due time, that the Bush's brain is nothing close to being as competent as that of the average voter, or indeed as that of fully 85 percent of all voters. That is inherent in the definition of Bush's disability.

But it leads to a reassuring prediction: because Bush's brain is so inferior, that fact will become clear to the much smarter average citizen. And Bush will be understood for what he is. Which is, as Helen Thomas said, the worst (and I would add the most mentally deficient and incompetent) president in US history.

10:45 PM  
Blogger Wilderwood said...

I think you may be overestimating Rove's Brain. Or maybe overestimating his serum testosterone (of which Fitzgerald seems to have rather more than Rove, by a considerable quantity). Rove has little clout in the standoff with Fitz, as I see it. If you look at Rove's history, it seems to say that he manages always in the end to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Interestingly, that's not yet been W's history. But sometimes it takes longer for true stupidity to express itself.

10:40 PM  

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